I woke up at 8am but stayed in bed watching NCIS season 4 until 9am, enjoying a lazy Sunday morning. Muffins were on the table by that time so I ate (alone because everyone else ate earlier) then spent some time with Bo before jumping in the shower. My parents and I went to Green Bay to eat at Red Lobster (soooo good!!), and do a little shopping.
Our first stop after lunch was Lambeau Field to look around in the Packers Pro Shop. I finally for the first time in years have a piece of Packers clothing that is my own! Thanks mom :) It's a long sleeved, but light, t shirt with a hood. I can't wait to wear it so hopefully it cools off soon!
I was in the market for some shoes I could wear on an every day basis so I can keep the shoes I use to work out in nice so DSW was our next stop. My old fitness/everyday shoes are pretty beat up so I was happy to find some shoes in a women's size that fit and I liked. Having big feet is a challenge when it comes to finding shoes that look good on them.
I also had a $10 off coupon for American Eagle but was disappointed when I didn't find anything I liked, especially because the jeans were on sale. I have until the end of September to use the coupon so I might look online to see what I can find.
We hit up Yankee Candle even though the store in our own mall is bigger than this one. I bought myself a candle in my favorite scent, Pumpkin Buttercream. We had fun smelling the "man scents" and making my dad smell them. He's not into candles like I am but he was a good sport and went along with it. It was actually amazing how much some of the stuff smelled like what it was named after; 2x4, mowed grass, etc.
Once we walked around the mall and didn't find any other stores to go into we jumped in the car to do a little driving around. We ended up finding a Dairy Queen and stopped for ice cream. I had the blizzard of the month, M&Ms Brownie. It was good but I couldn't finish it all. Those brownie pieces filled me up more than my usual cookie dough does.
Our last stop was Wal-Mart. Great place to go while you're out of town when you have one where you live, right? We needed new shower liners and as I was getting ready in the morning I had found a $40 gift card from my boss at work from Christmas that I hadn't used yet. I went in hoping to find Gossip Girl season 4 on DVD but sadly they didn't have any of the Gossip Girl seasons. I walked out with just some Post-it stickies. Thanks again mom!

Because I ordered books #8 and #9 in the series I started reading Pretty Little Liars (#1) after dinner. I've read books #1 through #6 once already but it's been a while so I wanted to get them all fresh in my mind again and try to read them back to back. I own book #7 but have not read it yet. Chelsea has been borrowing the books and powering through them and is almost to book #7 so finding the gift card for Wal-Mart came at the right time for me to order the next two books. There are 12 books total in the series.
Questions for you...
Ever read books that a TV series is based on, like Pretty Little Liars?
Do you ever buy TV series on DVD?
Yay packers! Great choice :) I nominated you for the Liebster Award!